Wednesday... hmmm. This week is going by much faster than last week. I'm not sure if it's because we've established a routine or we don't feel ridiculously tired and jet lagged all the time.
We officially met our old man friend who always catches us looking in the mirror in the hallway. His name is Pedro and now we run into him every morning. He makes our morning and never forgets to tell us we look "muy guapa." Thanks Pedro.
School seemed to drag on forever today. Maybe it's because we're all beginning to stress about our first exams. After a quick lunch in the park, me and Courtney returned home and worked on homework for a little while. We soon decided we need a change in scenery so we went to our favorite cafeteria across the street to study for our exams. We shared a pastry and spread out our study materials in the upstairs dining room. It's a great atmosphere for studying- Plus our seats were near the "kids zone" so we had some entertainment too.
As we were leaving, we ran into the pizza guy who was so nice to us the other day and saved us from a bad lunch. We introduced ourselves to him and his name is Syeet (pronounced "Sigh-eat") and he's from Morocco. He felt we were close enough already to greet us with "dos besos" on the cheek. We must seem super friendly or just frequent that cafeteria so often that he feels like he knows us already!
Later, we discovered even more great shops on our street- this could be dangerous:)
Tonight we had some type of Spanish chili for dinner that had beans, potatoes, and chorizo in it. It was pretty good. Our madre broke out the Tabasco sauce for us which really surprised me.
After dinner, we met up with some girls (and accidentally some of the guys) from Samford and went to the book fair in Retiro Park. This is the biggest book fair I've ever seen. Actually I couldn't even see it all from where I was standing. Books as far as the eye can see. I'm talking over 300 stalls of different vendors. This thing is so big that the bank Caja Madrid has mobil ATM's interspersed throughout the line of vendors.
After this, me and Courtney grabbed a coke at a local restaurant and were "lucky" enough to catch the end of a gruesome bull-fight. We'll actually attend one in person on Friday- this should be interesting.
When we hopped on the metro, we found out we were watching the bull-fight live because the metro was PACKED at the station for the Plaza de Toros. It's amazing. You just think the metro's full until you get shoved from one wall to the other (always between two people with rancid body odor might I add). These people will do anything to get on or off a train, including push you down.
We finished off the night by watching "Las mujeres desesperadas" (Desperate housewives) with our Madre. I was totally lost but it's funny to listen to the voice overs.
La feria de los libros en el Parque Retiro:

well you know how i feel about kissing...haha!