Hey everyone! Sorry about the delay in updates. My internet has been down for the last two days.
Our mornings have been crazy recently.
Here's a picture of us with our old friend Pedro who greets us every morning. He is always so excited to see us. The metros in the mornings have been crazy too. And by crazy I mean, it's so packed that we can't breathe--and then 20 more people get on. Oh well, it forces conversation that always starts with "Perdona" or pardon me (for being all up in your personal space). Oh and the other day, a lady was reaching for the pole to hold on and she grabbed my face instead. It made for a really funny moment.
Today was another dreary day in Madrid but the cool is a nice change of pace. School came early this morning. We spent all of grammar class talking about one adverbial clause, what a downer. Then we talked about the Spanish government in culture. Not my favorite day at Sampere thus far.

After class, me and Courtney journeyed back to the book fair in Retiro to get a gift for our madre. We're so excited because found the perfect regalo. We bought her a world map that's so beautiful to put on her wall and mark where all her many students visit her from. From the book fair, we proceeded to get lost and wander around for an hour trying to find our way to a metro stop....any metro stop. By this time we were starving because we couldn't possibly choke down another pork sandwich. So, we stopped by a little place called Norky's near our house and ate our weight in baked chicken, french fries, and salad. The workers in there probably thought we had never eaten in our lives and we weren't going to for the next week either.
After a rainy day siesta, we met some of our friends in the university district of Madrid and visited the Museo del Traje (the fashion museum). It was pretty cool to see the evolution of Spanish dress. I got one of the headsets that gives a guided tour. Mine was in Spanish so I think I got the gist, but who knows.
After that we came back home and did our homework and started packing for our trips this weekend. I'm headed to Torrino, Italy and Courtney is headed to Barcelona. We're excited but nervous at the same time! We haven't been without each other in almost 3 weeks. It's going to feel weird for sure.
We had Chinese food that our madre made for dinner. It was so good.
Tonight we're headed out again to meet some girls in Sol. Tonight should be fun for sure because we're going to attempt to go dancing, again!
I'll post again when I'm back from Italy but it's "Adios" for now!
I really can't remember all of the goodness that I wanted to comment on in this post. Your face being a pole made me laugh out loud. Bianca asked if I was OK. Funny! Thank you for including that detail! I hope your trip to Italia is fabulous! I can't wait to hear about it!!!