Adventures in España
We took the best siesta of our lives in the afternoon in Sevilla. Dinner was at 8pm. It started off with a salad with tuna on it. The main course was some sort of fish that I forced down. Dessert was an orange and cinnamon flavored rice pudding, which was actually kind of good. I definitely broadened my horizons tonight.
Flamenco started at 9:30pm at the Patio Sevillana, which is located across from the river and next to the bull ring. It was a beautiful night and a beautiful area of town. We had the chance to take a few pics at the river before heading to the show.
The Flamenco show was my favorite part of the trip so far. These dancers are incredible, passionate, and graceful. The force they use in their rhythms, stomping, and clapping while wearing huge dresses blows my mind. The men were super talented too. I know, men flamenco dancers, you didn’t see that coming, but they’ve got serious skills. It was hard to get good pictures but I did manage to get a few.
Today marks the beginning of our trip to Andalucia!
We left bright and early to hail a cab and make it to the bus by nine. We then drove 2.5 hours to see the windmills of Don Quixote in Castilla-La Mancha to the south of Madrid. There were multiple windmills on the top of this hill overlooking a patchwork of landscaping. It was beautiful.
Then we drove a little bit further to Puerta Lapices for lunch. We got 50 euros for lunch this week but thankfully our madre packed us a lunch so I haven’t had to use it yet. This was a quaint little Don Quixote-themed town.
A door in Puerta Lapices way too cute to pass up
We then got back on the bus and drove for 3 more hours to Cordoba. On the way we passed miles and miles of sunflower fields. It was incredible and we all wanted to jump out and frolic.
Yes, all of these are SUNFLOWERS:)
Cordoba was our big stop for the day. The main thing we saw was the Mezquita which is the Muslim mosque with a cathedral in the middle. Don’t ask me why! It has something to do with the history and the reconquest. They didn’t want to ruin the cool mosque so they just build a cathedral in the middle. The mixture of simple architecture and Baroque intricate architecture of the cathedral. We also saw the synagogue, old Arab market, and learned about Maimonides the philosopher.
*La Mezquita
After a few hours later, we hopped back on the bus and headed for Sevilla. We’ve got a cute little hotel in the Jewish quarters and our rooms are really nice. We also had a 3 course meal for dinner. After dinner we wandered upon a park and strolled through the city. To finish off the night we met in the piano bar and played and sang for about an hour. It was a great and relaxing way to end such a long day.