This morning we visited the old University of Salamanca. They don’t have classes in these buildings anymore but the professors meet here at the beginning of each school year. We saw an original classroom from the 16th century with wooden bench like pews that looked super uncomfortable.

We also saw the room with “the doors.” At the end of their studies, they used to open the huge door for the good students that passed and then they would have to kill a bull and use it’s blood to paint their name on the wall of the university. You can still see some names faintly written on the walls! They would open the small doors for the bad students.
“Que te pases por la gran puerta!”

We also saw the capilla (chapel) and biblioteca.
The outer façade is also very beautiful. There are medallions dedicated to the Catholic Kings, of course because just about everything is dedicated to them. We also learned about Salamanca’s obsession with the frog. Carved into the wall, there’s a skull with a frog on top. This was warning to all who looked at it about the fate of a bad student. So, on the other hand, Salamanca looks at it as a good luck charm and an encouragement to study and do well!
Can you spot the skull and frog??

On the way home, we stopped and used the wifi at a café. We attempted to order coke and chips but apparently “patatas fritas en un plato” doesn’t translate to chips on a plate but actual fried potatoes on a plate. No wonder the waitress looked at me like, “Where else would you want you fried potatoes besides on a plate??”
Last night we came back and rested before dinner. For dinner first we had a huge bowl of green beans and potatoes. I was so content at this point, but wait…for our second course she brought out something that looked like chicken salad and you know how I feel about that. But wait, it gets better. She says, “This is cold fish with mayonnaise and peppers.” Oh yeah, I could only choke down about 4 bites and that’s a lot for me. Dessert was chocolate pudding and whipped cream. Madre felt bad that we didn’t like the fish so she piled on that whipped cream, yum J
After dinner, guess where we went? Yep, McDonald’s for some quality wifi time. (This was after searching for 30 minutes for a more quaint café without plugs that are locked down, this was totally unsuccessful). Then it was off to get some much needed rest.
The frog and the skull..that's so bizarre! and the doors. And the blood. Wow. So so different. Sounds fascinating though!
ReplyDeleteEmily. The fish and mayonnaise thing is making me shudder. Aaaahhhh!
I made pancakes yesterday morning just for the heck of it. It was a good plan. I thought you'd appreciate that. :)