La Catedral and the ceiling:

Our first activity this morning was to visit Las Torres de la Catedral in Salamanca. We climbed to the top of this beautiful cathedral and could see all of Salamanca from the top. It was so beautiful!
Me and Courtney at the top
Then we took a few pictures in front of the incredible door leading to the cathedral.
My new shoes :)
Jessica (a girl from class), me, Kim, and Caitlin
Later, we ate our sack lunches in a park and sat around and talked with our group at a local cafe. From there we bravely ventured to the central market to see all the fresh fruits and vegetables to be sold. Little did we know that this place would wreak of fish and that large scaly creatures with eyes, scales, and yes, teeth, would greet us as we walked in. Oh and there was also a meat section that offered a delicious variety of anything you could want, for instance: cow tongue that was hanging from the ceiling, morcilla (blood sausage), or bull tail. Disgusting. But, the good news is they had a beautiful spread of fruit so I bought some cherries and we shared them on the way to class.

After class ( you can tell class isn't very interesting because I have nothing to say about it), we went for coffee and helped each other out with some homework before heading back to the casa. For dinner we had some sort of fried chicken, salad, bean soup, and really great flan pudding like we had last night for dessert.
We continue to have the most interesting dinner conversations. Our madre tiene cara (she's got nerve and isn't afraid to say what she thinks!). She told us that German futbol players "tienen cabezas cuadradas" (square heads, haha) and the other night she described in detail which cuss words she screams during futbol games. It was quite explicit. Anyways, she always gives us a good laugh.
Tonight we're actually at McDonald's to access the free wifi. I figure that as American's we have contributed sufficiently to McDonald's in creating it and making the world obese and all so I don't feel bad coming here just for the wifi. You're welcome world.
wow. Your madre sounds crazy. You'll have to remember some stories from spending time with her and tell me all about it when you get back! Those pictures are amazing! Que bonita! (ooh ooh! that's totally espanol! Are you proud of me? eh? eh?) Have a good one tomorrow! :D