El hospital

Eventually I found my way back to the school after a successful adventure. I was dreading classes. Who wants to sit in class for 3 hours after exploring a beautiful old city? Not me. So I suffered through some grammar exercises and refrained from crying in my business class because I hate all business concepts especially when they either don’t translate or exist in English. Yuck to the max.
But good news… Dr. Jensen, the really cool Samford teacher that replaced Workman told us just the thing to brighten our day: where to buy peanut butter. That’s right, we thought it didn’t exist in Spain. So we headed out of school in search of some long-overdue peanut butter. We found it and basically attacked it. Eating it on cookies and just with a spoon as we were walking through the Plaza. You don’t realize how much you need these things until someone tells you that you can’t have them.

On the way home I stopped and bought I white dress as retail therapy. Thank God for rebajas! Me and Courtney also ran by the train station and bought some tickets to PORTUGAL!! We’ll leave here at 4:30am Saturday morning and be back a little after midnight. It’s going to be a really long day but so worth it to see Coimbra, Portugal!
PEANUT BUTTER! I had no idea you'd been surviving without it! So traumatic! I'm so glad y'all found some. Have you eaten any delicious deserts/ anything uniquely Spanish lately?