Sunday we slept in to try and recover from our Portugal adventure. Later in the afternoon we watched Tiana y el Sapo (Princess and the Frog) that we rented from a little DVD shop across the street. It was the cutest movie and even the songs were in Spanish. Precious.
Lunch was the craziest combination of foods: a mound of rice with tomato sauce on top, 2 hotdogs, fried zucchini, and a fried egg. Nasty. I’m glad I had eaten a late breakfast!
To escape the afternoon heat that makes our room a sauna, we met Taylor at McDonald’s to get a head start on our homework so it would make this week more fun.
Dinner was pasta salad and lomo with peppers and orange jello for dessert.
7-19-2010 Monday
Monday morning we started out at the library, still attempting to finish our loads of homework. Then on the way back home our construction worker friends stopped and talked to us for a bit, they’re funny with their American music always blaring. For lunch we had meat and potatoes with watermelon. Now, at dinner I can’t help but chuckle every time I look at Miguel because today he ate nearly a half of a watermelon by himself, seeds and all. And, as he was finish off the salad that was in a big glass bowl, his shaky hands caused him to clang around a bit and it sounded like music. I couldn’t stop laughing.
School was tolerable but I was still tired from the weekend. Our commercial teacher was out so we just had to read and translate and article and then we could leave early. We walked around with Dr. Jensen for a bit, she’s so cool and was supportive of us using our commercial knowledge in the real world, aka shopping J
Then we headed home stopping only for some delicious pastries and to return our movie. We rented Hannah Montana and rushed home to start watching it. It was not nearly as cute as Princess and the Frog. All of the songs were in English and the voice-overs were all really squeaky. Bummer.
Pastries from Gil. Now you see why I can't resist??

We fell asleep before dinner and I could hear our madre saying, “Where are the girls? Did they leave for a party?” Haha, she obviously doesn’t know us that well. Nope, we were sleeping. For dinner we ate gazpacho, fried fish and French fries, and chocolate pudding.
After dinner, we hopped on the bus because we weren’t about to walk a few miles after eating that, and headed to the river. We found the Puente Romana after a bit of confusion and met up with Taylor, Molly, and Carmen to just enjoy the ambience of nighttime. We strolled from there up through the city and found a park to sit and talk. Later as we made our way home, me, Courtney and Taylor stopped to play on the playground before hitting the sack.

7-20-2010 T-T-T-Tuesday
Side note: only 2 months til my birthday ;)
Today we did nnnnooooothing. This morning we slept in, finished Hannah Montana, and ate lunch with our padres. We had some sort of strong chopped meat with pasta. Que fuerte! School was as usual. The most exciting thing I did today was buy a bus ticket for Saturday's early morning trip to Madrid! I can't wait to see my crazy real padres and family! Saturday come soon!!!!
Hey sweet cousin! I love hearing of all your adventures. I went to dinner tonight with your real padres and our waitress' name was Emily. We already miss you like crazy, but that made it even worse. Make the most of your final days in Spain. It has been a joy to pray for you this summer and hear of all the cool things you are experiencing. I love you!
Pastries from Gil. That's all I have to say. I'm sure you know what I mean by this seemingly meaningless comment. Way to make use of your time in Spain. I'm proud of you. ;)