Saturday, May 29, 2010

Life like a Postcard


Today was our excursion to Segovia. It took us about an hour by bus to get there. When first went to the Roman Aqueducts that have supposedly been standing since the time of Christ. They are magnificent and it's hard to believe it was built with no machines.

The Aqueducts

Then we split into our small groups and toured the town sharing information about the landmarks we were responsible for researching. We ate lunch in front of the Castle (supposedly the Castle Sleeping Beauty's Castle was based off of). Then we toured the Castle. This is where Isabel and Ferdinand lived for a while. It was beautiful and my favorite parts were the intricate ceilings and the throne room. We also climbed the torre (tower). Let me tell you it's a major climb. After 152 steps (yep, we counted) that were really steep, winding, and narrow we made it to the top and could overlook the city. It was gorgeous!

El Castillo

Allison and me at the top of the tower.

We also toured the Cathedral. It was so grand and intricately decorated. After that, we went souvenir shopping and I bought some brightly hand-painted bowls and I'm really excited to use them in my kitchen! Before getting on the bus, we all went for a pastry called Puche that Segovia is famous for. It's so hard to describe but here it goes: it's a doughy square with some sort of cake/cream layers on the inside. It was good but very rich!


We headed back to Madrid around 4 and me and Courtney have been resting ever since. We had some great salad with apples and some sort of Chinese noodles for dinner. It was tasty. We still had a craving for gelato tonight so we went down the street to the same heladeria and we could tell the guy behind the counter recognized us. I had some dark chocolate with banana- YUM:)

**My favorite part of the day: We were waiting outside of the metro when a man started to talk to me. He said he just got me confused with one of his Spaniard friends.
It's official, I have arrived. I have been mistaken for a Spaniard.

1 comment:

  1. Dang girl. How much milk you been drinkin'? That's awesome that he mistook you for his friend. And That first picture is absolutely beautiful. And the puche looks amazing. :D
